Insurance Calculators
It’s easy to underestimate the cost of replacing your home and belongings. These calculators will help you get the right level of cover using information supplied by Cordell Information, Australia's leading provider of building cost information.
Home Building Insurance Calculator
Use the Cordell Sum Sure comprehensive building calculator to get a more detailed estimate of the replacement costs of your home.
Home Contents Insurance Calculator
This calculator estimates the replacement cost of your home contents using information supplied by Sum Insured Pty Ltd, Australia's leading provider of building contents cost information.
Based on general information about your home the calculator will provide an estimated contents value and summary that you can further edit for a more accurate result if you wish.
The Cordell Sum Sure calculator takes the answers you input (or confirm, as applicable) and analyses them against construction industry data collated by CoreLogic to generate an estimated rebuild cost of the improvements on your property. Use of the Cordell Sum Sure calculator and any estimated rebuild cost provided by it may not be appropriate for you and you will need to assess the suitability of this estimate given your knowledge of your property. A number of qualifications apply to the estimated rebuild cost, which are set out in the full set of terms and conditions accepted by you prior to your use of the Sum Sure Calculator.

Find out more
Every business is different - which means you need an insurance solution that is tailored for you. For more information, contact us today.